
by Spectrecoin

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by Monero


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by Spectrecoin

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by Dash

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by Monero


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What problem does this service solve?

Spectrecoin aims to create a fast, environmentally friendly cryptocurrency with a high degree of privacy and anonymity.DASH, which stands for Digital Cash, is a blockchain protocol that is self-governed and self-funding,. It enables anonymous and instant payments that are run on a network of incentivized Masternodes.Monero is a blockchain with a strong focus on privacy. It uses an obfuscated decentralized ledger to hide information about transactions. Making it completely anonymous.

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Company Description

Spectrecoin is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency with a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Spectrecoin uses ring signatures, stealth addresses, and Tor to provide privacy and anonymity.

DASH, or digital cash, is a leading anonymity-centric digital currency that was created as a fork of the Bitcoin protocol. DASH allows users to make anonymous transactions instantly with very low fees.
DASH uses a lighter hashing algorithm (X11) and has a block time of 2.5 minutes. This significantly increases transaction time compared to bitcoin. It also introduced a system based on "Masternodes" and "Instasends" that provide incentives to users for securing the network and contributes to making transactions faster.
Users invest 1,000 DASH to host a Masternode, and then receive 45% of the reward for every block that is mined. DASH was designed with a decentralized governance model and a sustainable funding system that allocates a percentage of each block for network development purposes.
Although, Dash has not been able to attract as many developers and financial institutions as other cryptocurrencies, it is well positioned to continue growing and innovating.

Monero is a decentralized public ledger protocol whose focus is on increased privacy. It was created in 2014, with the goal of establishing a privacy focused blockchain that would allow users to send and receive transactions anonymously, and not pseudo-anonymously, like Bitcoin.
Monero uses an obfuscated public ledger that prevents anyone from determining the source, destination, or amount of payments. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, payments and account balances on Monero remain entirely hidden. This is one reason that XMR, the Monero currency, has attracted some users that are involved with illicit activities.
Monero uses a Proof of Work consensus mechanism that requires less computing power from miners than Bitcoin does. Because of this, mining Monero has become an alternative source of revenue for some websites and apps. .





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