Klaytn Coin

by GroundX

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by Stakenet

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by Skycoin

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Klaytn Coin

by GroundX

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by Stakenet

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by Skycoin

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What problem does this service solve?

Klaytn aims to improve blockchain usability and transaction speeds by employing a hybrid architecture and consensus mechanism.Stakenet allows users to participate in the staking process and validate new transactions, without removing their coins from their wallets.Skycoin aims to decentralize the internet and provide a platform to build DApps.

Token Stats

Company Description

Klaytn Coin is the native currency of the Klaytn blockchain. It was developed by the South Korean internet giant, Kakao and is operated by its subsidiary Ground X. Klaytn Coin is designed to power an enterprise-grade, service-centric platform that brings a user-friendly blockchain experience to its users. It has a hybrid architecture that combines elements of public and private blockchains. Klaytn uses an optimized version of the Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus algorithm. There are three types of nodes, CN (Consensus Node), PN (Proxy Node) and EN (Endpoint Node). CNs are managed by CCOs (Core Cell Operators) and are in charge of block generation. These blocks are verified by all nodes in the network.
It has partnerships with multiple prominent companies, including Binance, which serves on their governance council, and several large South Korean banks and technology companies. The company also plans to integrate with OpenSea's NFT marketplace to allow Klaytn-powered NFTs to be sold more easily.

Stakenet is a blockchain with a unique Trustless Proof of Stake (TPoS) consensus mechanism that allows users to participate in the staking process without having to freeze their coins in the wallet. It's powered by the native coin XSN and is managed by its own masternodes. Stakenet (XSN) was created to build an ecosystem that allows easy and secure offline staking and cross chain communication. It has characteristics of Bitcoin, Dash and Peercoin, that were modified for their own purposes. XSN uses the Bitcoin Core, an improved Dash masternode architecture, and Peercoin's validation mechanism for creating new blocks.

Skycoin began as an ambitious infrastructure project aimed at replacing the Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithms that dominate current blockchain platforms. It has since evolved into a project focused on creating a decentralized mesh-Internet and a platform for other blockchain-based projects. Skycoin is developing an ecosystem with a variety of goals, including: the elimination of mining rewards, development of energy-efficient custom hardware, advancing security and privacy, and achieving transaction speeds that rival current digital payment systems. The ecosystem consists of the native SKY coin, Skywire (decentralized mesh-Internet), Skyminer (hardware and access point for Skywire), Skyledger (decentralized open blockchain network), and a suite of DApps. The consensus algorithm is called Obelisk. The network's nodes agree based on a Web-of-Trust consensus. The ability to influence transaction verification is distributed over the network creating a web of trust. To eliminate mining completely each node on the network connects to a list of nodes that it sees as trustworthy.



