Japan Content Token

by On Parade Pte.Ltd.

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XinFin Network

by XinFin

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by XMax

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Japan Content Token

by On Parade Pte.Ltd.

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XinFin Network

by XinFin

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by XMax

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What problem does this service solve?

Japan Content Token provides clients with blockchain developer tools.XinFin wants to develop a hybrid blockchain that will combine the benefits of a private/permissioned platform with the transparency of a public one.XMax will provide developers with the tools to more easily prototype and launch their entertainment-related DApps.

Token Stats

Company Description

Japan Content Token, also known as JaCKet, is developing a blockchain middleware platform that will provide a variety of services to assist clients in leveraging distributed ledger technology. The JaCKet network is powered by the Ethereum-based JCT token.

XinFin is a blockchain technology company that has developed the XDC protocol. XinFin's hybrid blockchain enables peer-to-peer contracts on a regulated payment infrastructure. Their goal is to create an open source marketplace platform that will reduce inequalities in global finance.
The XDC blockchain is built upon Quorum, a permissioned blockchain developed by J.P. Morgan. Quorum was developed as a layer upon the Go implementation of the
Ethereum protocol. XDC's consensus mechanism allows for new blocks be created in a two-step process. In the first step, the transactions to be included in the new block are voted upon by all participating nodes. In the second step, one node is selected as the leader or block maker randomly. The block maker node then creates the new block.
XInFin is powered by the XDCE token.

XMax is creating a developer ecosystem for entertainment DApps. Their entertainment-focused blockchain ecosystem will enable multiple functional sidechains, and will provide a SDK which will make it easier to develop decentralized applications. XMax will also offer a variety of multimedia libraries. The XMax blockchain will have a VRF (Verifiable Random Function) consensus mechanism that will randomly select network users to participate in the verifying transactions.



