Hijiro, previously known as Fluent, is a distributed network for global trade. It uses blockchain to track assets and provides increased transparency for transactions, documents, and assets.
Hijro was designed to improve efficiency in the open-account trade market. The Hijro Network revolves around the Trade Asset Marketplace, composed of banks and lenders. The marketplace leverages distributed ledger technology to improve security and tracking of trade. The focus is on open-account trade. The Hijro Trade Asset Marketplace provides access to a global network of businesses, banks, and liquidity providers who power working capital solutions built on the Hijro Network.
Hijro's custom solutions integrate directly into ERP and IT platforms, and improve efficiencies in treasury, trade, and supply chain operations.
| Fr8 is developing a decentralized protocol for the freight industry. In addition to the Fr8 protocol, the company is also building a suite of blockchain-based logistics solutions that will allow stakeholders to better manage supply chains.