What problem does this service solve?

Enjin's Ethereum-based platform aims to reduce the high fees and fraud that are prevalent in the transfer of virtual goods in the gaming industry.

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About Enjin Coin

Enjin Coin is a decentralized gaming platform. It was created by Enjin, an established gaming company that specializes in creating social gaming platforms. Enjin provides a gaming focused content management system. Developer can create a currency unique to their community that’s backed by Enjin Coin as the parent currency. This gives the coins all the benefits of the blockchain (speed, cost, security, etc…) while still staying customized to their respective platforms.
The Enjin Coin is being designed to be the most usable cryptocurrency and smart contract enabled platform in the gaming industry. The company also plans to offer a suite of software development kits (SDKs) that developers can integrate into their decentralized games. It is one of the first projects testing the Raiden Network, Ethereum’s version of the Lightning Network.

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