Spring Labs vs BitGo vs Circle
What problem does this service solve?
Spring Labs' network is designed to allow users to exchange information about credit data without having to share the underlying data itself. | BitGo provides secure cryptocurrency solutions for institutional clients., including: private blockchains, business wallets, self-managed storage, and API's. | Circle is one of the most recognizable brands in the crytpocurrrency sector. Circle provides several payment and investment tools that are geared towards everyday users. |
Token Stats
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Company Description
Spring Labs is a blockchain startup that aims to decentralize the data sharing process in the credit industry. Their blockchain-based credit data network will enable the exchange of identity and credit-related information. Their goal is to use smart contracts to bring data efficiency and regulatory transparency to the credit scoring process. | BitGo is a financial services company that focuses on digital currencies, and is backed by several large investment companies. They offer a variety of investment services to help institutional clients manage cryptocurrencies, including security, compliance, and custodial solutions. BitGo launched the first multi-signature hot wallet in 2013. It is one of the largest processors of on-chain Bitcoin transactions, processing 15% of all global Bitcoin transactions. BitGo supports over 100 tokens and coins, and works with many of the largest exchanges in the industry. The company also provides custodial and trust services for digital assets. | Circle is one of the oldest and most established blockchain-based financial companies. Circle offers several financial products and is a major player in the cryptocurrency sector. Their primary goal is to provide an easy on and off ramp to the crypto market that will encourage adoption and increase integration with other financial markets. |