What problem does this service solve?

Coinsuper is a top 20 exchange known for its transaction mining reward system for trading.botXcoin allows users to buy and sell a variety of digital assets.

Token Stats

Company Description

Coinsuper is a Hong Kong based exchange that has introduced an innovative transaction mining system to reward trading. The exchange is powered by the native Coinsuper Ecosystem Network (CEN) token.
Trading Fee: 0.2%
Withdrawal Fee: 0.01 BTC
Number of Tokens/Coins: 45

botXcoin is a Singapore based company that is developing a cryptocurrency trading bot as well as a cryptocurrency exchange. Their network is powered by the Ethereum based BOTX token.





How easy is it to open a new account?
How easy is to make trades on this exchange?
How good is the selection of coins?
How reasonable are the fees?
How secure is this exchange?