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BCEX is a top 20 exchange focused on the Chinese market.TopBTC is a crypto exchange with standard offerings and conflicting user reviews.

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Company Description

BCEX is a top 20 exchange that is aimed at the Chinese crypto market.

Trading Fee: 0%-0.2%
Withdrawal Fee: 0%-0.5%
Number of Tokens/Coins: 51

TopBTC is an exchange that has received varying reviews. Although TopBTC is known for having large trading volumes, the customer support is lacking and there are a variety of dead coins being traded. The company claims to be from Australia, but unlike other crypto currencies there, it is not a member of the Australian Digital Commerce Association(ADCA). TopBTC has also had many users claim that they were unable to withdraw funds.

Trading Fee: 0.2%
Withdrawal Fee: 0
Number of Tokens/Coins: 26



5/5 (1)


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