
by ElectriCChain

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by Electron

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by ElectriCChain

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by Electron

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What problem does this service solve?

ElectriCChain is developing a decentralized and standardized platform for solar energy data. Their goal is to make solar energy cheaper and more accessible.Electron is working to create blockchain systems that will make energy companies more efficient and transparent.

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Company Description

ElectriCChain is developing a blockchain for solar energy data. Their initial focus is on providing a platform to publish and verify data from solar energy generators. Their goal is to provide a transparent tool to monitor solar energy in real-time, and to establish a standard communications protocol for the solar industry that will aid in delivering affordable solar energy. ElectriCChain is the foundation for SolarCoin, which is one of the largest crypto-based renewable energy projects in the world.

Electron is a London based company that develops blockchain systems for energy companies. The company designs decentralized platforms that aid energy companies in operating more efficiently and transparently. Electron focuses on leveraging blockchain systems to improve the entire renewable energy infrastructure. They assist companies in creating more efficient and transparent energy generation, improving storage capacity, and connecting devices.


