Sakura Bloom

by Sakura Bloom

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The Graph Token

by The Graph

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Matic Network

by Matic-Network India LLP

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Sakura Bloom

by Sakura Bloom

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The Graph Token

by The Graph

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Matic Network

by Matic-Network India LLP

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What problem does this service solve?

Sakura Bloom allows merchants to create blockchain-based customer rewards programs that are more flexible and transparent.The Graph aims to make it easier to querry blockchain data.Matic provides scalability for DApps and smart contracts.

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Company Description

Sakura Bloom is a Japanese company that is developing a blockchain-based rewards network. It will allow businesses to create customer loyalty programs that are cross-site and cross-platform compatible. Consumers are not restricted to using their rewards with just one merchant, and can redeem them in different ways. The network is powered by the SKB token.

The Graph Token is the native currency of the The Graph ecosystem. Their goal is to create an indexing protocol for querying decentralized networks, and allow anyone to publish open APIs, called subgraphs, which will make this data more accessible. These subgraphs can be composed into a global graph, and can then be transformed, organized, and shared across applications for anyone to query with just a few keystrokes.

The Matic Network is a sidechain based scaling solution for public blockchains. Matic aims to allow developers to better scale their Ethereum DApps by using a version of Plasma, along with side chains that use a PoS consensus mechanism. Matic plans on supporting other blockchains as well in order to facilitate interoperability.



