
by RealTract

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by Mainframe

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by Interchain Foundation

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by RealTract

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by Mainframe

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by Interchain Foundation

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What problem does this service solve?

RealTract's goal is to create a better performing smart contract platform.Mainframe's decentralized communication protocol aims to make it easier to create DApps that prioritize privacy.The Tendermint consensus algorithm secures transactions in the Cosmos ecosystem.

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Company Description

RealTract is developing a smart contract platform based on a Directed Acylic Graph (DAG) protocol. They hope to create a faster and more scalable smart contract platform that can handle more use cases. The RealTract network is currently powered by the Ethereum-based RET token.

Mainframe is creating a blockchain development platform for decentralized applications. Their marketing materials place a strong emphasis on encryption, privacy, and interoperability. Onyx, a decentralized workplace messaging tool, is the first application to be built on the Mainframe network.
Mainframe is powered by the MFT token.

Tendermint is a consensus algorithm that was created by a company called All in Bits. The open source algorithm is Byzantine Fault-Tolerant and uses an authenticated encryption system to secure transactions. The Tendermint consensus mechanism was developed in 2014 for the Cosmos Network. The Interchain Foundation, which is developing the Cosmos Network, continues to employ All in Bits to support Cosmos.



