What problem does this service solve?

The Internet of Services Token is focused on improving overall blockchain speed and performance.V Systems' goal is to create the first object-oriented general purpose distributed database to enable more complex DApps.

Token Stats

Company Description

IOST (Internet of Services Token) is a blockchain platform that is focused on improving transaction speed and scalability. IOST has a unique Proof of Believability consensus mechanism that is based on past contributions and behavior.
The company claims that their platform will increase security and efficiency compared to other platforms. IOST uses a sharding technique that splits the network into smaller ones and randomly assigns tasks for the nodes on the network.

V Systems is a blockchain platform that was developed by Sunny King, the creator of Peercoin and Primecoin. Peercoin was one of the first Proof of Stake Coins, and V Systems is designed to improve upon the consensus mechanism with a better staking system.


