
by EvenCoin

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XYO Network

by XY

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by GetScatter, Ltd

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by EvenCoin

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XYO Network

by XY

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by GetScatter, Ltd

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What problem does this service solve?

EvenCoin's smart contract platform operates in parallel to Ethereum and does not require any hardware to operate its network.The XYO Network will allow smart contracts and DApps to use location verification services.Scatter allows users to interact with EOS-based web DApps.

Token Stats

Not Relevant

Company Description

EvenCoin is a self-mining smart contract platform that is built on the Ethereum blockchain. EvenCoin is mined in parallel to even numbers of Ethereum blocks. The team behind EvenCoin are developing several decentralized projects that will use the self-mining protocol, including an exchange and a travel booking platform.

The XY Oracle Network is a blockchan-based location verification service. It is designed to be compatible with many devices and across different smart contract protocols. XYO uses innovative cryptographic techniques to combine real-world data with a blockchain-based system that can be used by DApps. The XYO Network was developed by a San Diego based company called XY, that makes GPS and Bluetooth devices. The company is building the network's infrastructure that will consist of location-verifying beacons that will enable smart contracts to incorporate location data. The network is powered by the Ethereum-based XYO token.

Scatter is a browser extension for the EOS blockchain that enables users to sign transactions on the EOS blockchain. Users are able to sign transactions with their private keys from web applications without having to expose their personal information. The founders of Scatter are also developing the Reputation and Identity Layer (RIDL), which will provide a reputation system that will add trust and transparency to the DApp ecosystem.



