Celer Network

by ScaleSphere Foundation Ltd

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by VITE Labs

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by QuarkChain

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Celer Network

by ScaleSphere Foundation Ltd

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by VITE Labs

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by QuarkChain

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What problem does this service solve?

Celer Network's goal is to create a blockchain platform with improved liquidity and connectivity.VITE's goal is to make it easier for developers to issue tokens and create DApps.QuarkChain hopes to create a more scalable blockchain platform that will have faster transaction times.

Token Stats

Company Description

Celer Network is developing a layer-2 scaling platform that aims to enable fast and secure off-chain transactions and off-chain smart contracts. The Celer Network hopes to enable developers to create scalable DApps by increasing the off-chain functionalities of blockchains.

VITE is building a DApp development platform that will allow developers to issue their own tokens that can then be traded on their built-in decentralized exchange. The VITE network is currently powered by the Ethereum-based VITE token.

QuarkChain is building a blockchain with a focus on speed and scalability. They hope to significantly improve transaction times and reduce fees with an architecture that will rely on a two-layered blockchain and elastic sharding. QuarkChain uses a hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism that is ASIC-resistant. Transactions are first confirmed on one blockchain layer, and then on the second. The network will be powered by the QKC coin.



