Aztec Protocol

by ConsenSys

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by SmartContract

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‍Flow Blockchain

by Dapper Labs

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Aztec Protocol

by ConsenSys

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by SmartContract

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‍Flow Blockchain

by Dapper Labs

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What problem does this service solve?

The Aztec Protocol reduces GAS costs and increase inter-operability for Ethereum DApps.ChainLink wants to solve the connectivity problem facing smart decentralized applications. By connecting smart contracts to external data resources, many potential use cases for blockchain can be opened up.Flow's goal is to create a DApp development platform that is easier to use for both developers and users.

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Company Description

The Aztec Protocol is an efficient zero-knowledge privacy protocol designed to enable private transactions on the Ethereum blocckhain. Their zero-knowledge proofs enable private transactions that can facilitate a variety of inter-operable financial applications on Ethereum. Aztec is a ConsenSys portfolio company.


ChainLink is developing the LINK Network, which will enable connected smart contracts. LINK will provide smart contracts with a variety of external data and access to APIs. ChainLink's goal is to solve the connectivity problem that plagues smart contract based systems, and discourages mass adoption. Many decentralized applications are unable to connect with important external data sources due to limitations involving their consensus protocols. The LINK network wants to connect their smart contracts with external systems and APIs by using secure middleware.

T‍he Flow Blockchain aims to be a developer-friendly blockchain for a new generation of DApps and digital assets that power them. Flow Blockchain is based on a unique, multi-role architecture, and is designed to scale without sharding, so that it can accommodate consumer applications with more users. The project was created by Dapper Labs, which previously created Crypto Kitties, one of the most popular blockchain collectible projects. Flow is now being used by NBA Top Shot, an officially licensed NBA platform for player related, blockchan-based collectibles. The founders: Roham Gharegozlou, Dieter Shirley, and Mikhael Naayem launched Flow with the goal of simplifying the DApp development experience.
Flow uses a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism. Flow coins are intended to be used as payment for validation services, data and computation, governance, as well as for collateral for secondary tokens that may be created on the platform in the future.



