
by Algorand

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by QuarkChain

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by Omnitude

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by Algorand

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by QuarkChain

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by Omnitude

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What problem does this service solve?

Algorand's goal is to create a blockchain with faster transaction times and a more inclusive staking mechanism to achieve consensus.QuarkChain hopes to create a more scalable blockchain platform that will have faster transaction times.Omnitude makes it easier for companies to adopt blockchain.

Token Stats

Company Description

Algorand is a Boston based company that is developing a blockchain network with a Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) consensus mechanism. Algorand's decentralized platform is designed to enable faster transaction times and remove some of the technical barriers of creating scalable DApps. Algorand was founded by Silvio Micali, a pioneer in the field of cryptography.

QuarkChain is building a blockchain with a focus on speed and scalability. They hope to significantly improve transaction times and reduce fees with an architecture that will rely on a two-layered blockchain and elastic sharding. QuarkChain uses a hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism that is ASIC-resistant. Transactions are first confirmed on one blockchain layer, and then on the second. The network will be powered by the QKC coin.

Omnitude is developing a blockchain e-commerce toolkit for businesses to integrate blockchain technology with their existing systems. They provide clients with blockchain middleware solutions that can be adopted more easily. The Omnitude network is powered by the Ethereum-based ECOM token.



