What problem does this service solve?

Avalanche's goal is to enable a more secure and interoperable smart contract platform with faster transactions times.Stakenet allows users to participate in the staking process and validate new transactions, without removing their coins from their wallets.

Token Stats

Company Description

The Avalanche token (AVAX) performs various tasks within Avalanche's Proof of Stake blockchain network. The Avalanche token functions as a rewards and payment system for users. The network is designed to be an open-source platform for launching highly decentralized applications, enterprise deployments, and decentralized financial instruments. The Avalanche ecosystem is meant to be smore scalable and interoperable than other blockchain platforms. Unlike Bitcoin and many other networks, transaction fees are “burnt” in order to increase token scarcity. This process is offset by the release, or “minting,” of new coins.
Avalanche was launched by Ava Labs, whose founder Emin Gün Sirer is a veteran computer scientist that has been very influential in the Blockchain space. Gün Sirer is a computer science professor at Cornell University and has written extensively about scaling blockchain networks.

Stakenet is a blockchain with a unique Trustless Proof of Stake (TPoS) consensus mechanism that allows users to participate in the staking process without having to freeze their coins in the wallet. It's powered by the native coin XSN and is managed by its own masternodes. Stakenet (XSN) was created to build an ecosystem that allows easy and secure offline staking and cross chain communication. It has characteristics of Bitcoin, Dash and Peercoin, that were modified for their own purposes. XSN uses the Bitcoin Core, an improved Dash masternode architecture, and Peercoin's validation mechanism for creating new blocks.


