Tierion vs COVA vs Scry.info
What problem does this service solve?
Tierion will allow users to audit, certify, and verify data without a trusted third party, or intermediary. | COVA will use blockchain to allow people to better control and monetize their data. | Scry.info wants to use blockchain to improve data authentication and integration. |
Token Stats
Company Description
Tierion is developing a blockchain solution for verifying data. Tierion's platform will be aimed for businesses and developers. "Proof" will allow businesses to prove the integrity and timestamp of data without depending on a trusted third-party. "Chainpoint" will enable developers to anchor data to the blockchain; giving them the ability to create a verifiable audit trail for data, and timestamp important documents. | COVA is developing a blockchain protocol that will allow users to monetize their data. COVA's decentralized platform will create a marketplace for data that will be powered by the COVA token, and will enable users to better manage how their personal data is used. | Scry.info is a blockchain-based data validation network. Scry's built-in smart contracts allow users to access, store, verify, analyze, share, and trade real-world data. Scry's smart contracts can also bye customized to be used for a variety of specific purposes. |