Tierion vs COVA vs Brave New Coin
What problem does this service solve?
Tierion will allow users to audit, certify, and verify data without a trusted third party, or intermediary. | COVA will use blockchain to allow people to better control and monetize their data. | Brave New Coin aims to make it easier to gain data-driven insights about cryptocurrency markets. |
Token Stats
Not Relevant |
Company Description
Tierion is developing a blockchain solution for verifying data. Tierion's platform will be aimed for businesses and developers. "Proof" will allow businesses to prove the integrity and timestamp of data without depending on a trusted third-party. "Chainpoint" will enable developers to anchor data to the blockchain; giving them the ability to create a verifiable audit trail for data, and timestamp important documents. | COVA is developing a blockchain protocol that will allow users to monetize their data. COVA's decentralized platform will create a marketplace for data that will be powered by the COVA token, and will enable users to better manage how their personal data is used. | Brave New Coin is a Cryptocurrency data and research company. Brave New Coin's platform tracks hundreds of coins across many exchanges, and provides blockchain industry insights, cryptographic asset values and indices, trade data, custom enterprise and a range of API solutions. Their market data is unlocked through the BNC utility token. |