by Platin Genesis DMCC.

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by ZCoin

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Quantum Resistant Ledger

by QRL Foundation

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by Platin Genesis DMCC.

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by ZCoin

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Quantum Resistant Ledger

by QRL Foundation

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What problem does this service solve?

PLATINCOIN creates a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism with a long term commitment from network participants to contribute to managing the network.ZCoin is a privacy focused cryptocurrency with an innovative mechanism to increase anonymity.Quantum Resistant Ledger uses advanced cryptographic methods to create a more secure blockchain for large scale businesses.

Token Stats

Company Description

PLATINCOIN is a Proof-of-Stake coin that is minted instead of mined. Users participate in managing the network by renting hardware space from the project organizers for a period of 36 months. These computing resources will drive the PoS consensus, and the users that rent the hardware will be rewarded with newly minted PLC coins.

ZCoin is a privacy focused cryptocurrency built on Ethereum. The ZCoin protocol enables anonymous transactions with cryptography that utilizes Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP). ZCoin increases privacy on their network by using a coin-mixer contract that wraps transactions in a serial number and destroying wrapped coins once they have been redeemed.
Zcoin was the first cryptocurrency to use a Merkle Tree Proof (MTP) as its proof of work algorithm. Merkle Tree Proofs are an innovative solution to achieving network consensus, and can increase transaction time while reducing the centralizing tendency of ASIC mining.

Quantum Resistant Ledger is developing an enterprise blockchain platform that is designed to be secure against an attack from quantum computers. The Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) implements a more secure type of cryptographic signatures call XMSS. The network has a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism.



