
by Mindexcoin

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Bitcoin Gold

by Bitcoin Gold

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Flash Coin

by Flash Coin

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by Mindexcoin

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Bitcoin Gold

by Bitcoin Gold

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Flash Coin

by Flash Coin

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What problem does this service solve?

Mindexcoin does not appear to have any benefits compared to other cryptocurrencies.Bitcoin Gold reduces the competitive advantage of professional miners and adds greater decentralization to the Bitcoin protocol.Flash Coin aims to create a decentralized currency that will be fast enough to enable everyday use.

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Company Description

Mindexcoin is developing a universal payment platform powered by the Ethereum based token, MIC. Their marketing materials do not clearly outline any unique selling points, or advantages, that it will provide compared to other blokchain-based payment platforms.

Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is a cryptocurrency that began in 2017 as a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. BTG was created to reduce the monopolizing power of dedicated ASIC mining operations within the original Bitcoin network. Bitcoin Gold mining can be done by anyone with a standard computer and provides greater decentralization to the system. The hard fork that created BTG was meant to combat the disproportionate influence and competitive advantage of professional miners.

Flash Coin is a cryptocurrency designed to be used for everyday transactions. Flash's blokchain has a delegate-based consensus model that depends on elected delegates to verify transactions. These delegates elect 25 Miners who create new blocks on the blockchain. Each miner is given a specific time where they can mine a block. The Flash Coin algorithm also introduces a concept called Consensus Height, which refers to the moment when more than half of elected miners have created a block on top of another block in the chain.



