by The Loop

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by WhiteCoin

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by Platin Genesis DMCC.

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by The Loop

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by WhiteCoin

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by Platin Genesis DMCC.

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What problem does this service solve?

ICON wants to integrate multiple blockchains, that were designed with different purposes, in a unified system. ICON is a very ambitious project that tries to combine various elements of other decentralized projects into a combined symbiotic system.WhiteCoin's currency platform does not appear to provide specific technical advantages or project goals that will solve any problems.PLATINCOIN creates a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism with a long term commitment from network participants to contribute to managing the network.

Token Stats

Company Description

ICON (ICX) is unique compared to most other digital currrencies. ICON's primary objective is to establish a unifying system to integrate an unlimited numbers of blockchains. This would allow numerous blockchains to work together and incorporate aspects of all of them. ICON is powered by a unique system called loopchain, that can adopt different features, rules, and consensus systems. The loopchain has different circles, with nodes that connect it. There are community nodes and individual nodes that are all connected to the ICON Republic, which is the entire ecosystem. These nodes can connect in countless ways and results in unlimited applications. The network has an innovative consensus mechanism called Delegated Proof-of-Contribution (DPoC).

WhiteCoin is a cryptocurrency protocol with a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. WhiteCoin's (XWC) marketing materials place an emphasis on security and stability, but do not present details regarding their specific technical advantages or project goals.
WhiteCoin's payment network provides a high degree of anonymity and its PoS consensus model allows XWC coin holders to earn revenue by staking their holdings.

PLATINCOIN is a Proof-of-Stake coin that is minted instead of mined. Users participate in managing the network by renting hardware space from the project organizers for a period of 36 months. These computing resources will drive the PoS consensus, and the users that rent the hardware will be rewarded with newly minted PLC coins.



