
by DMD Diamond Foundation

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by FREE Coin

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by EOS

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by DMD Diamond Foundation

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by FREE Coin

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by EOS

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What problem does this service solve?

Diamond aims to create a digital currency with less price volatility through scarcity.FreeCoin claims to be a more inclusive cryptocurrency but their marketing materials do not show any unique offerings.EOS.io is a decentralized platform designed to allow build DApps easily, without servers. It is meant to be more scalable than other blockchain platforms and it can support more transactions per second, with far lower transaction fees. It was created by Dan Larimer, who is an extremely talented and influential developer that was also involved with BitShares and Steemit.

Token Stats

Company Description

Diamond (DMD) is a Proof-of-Stake coin focused on scarcity. Their marketing materials emphasize the limited circulation of the coin, and the benefits of the network's incentivized cloud mining system, which rewards users for contributing their computing resources.

FREE Coin is an Ethereum-based token with a focus on being inclusive and encouraging cryptocurrency adoption. Their goal is for the token's price to increase in value, until its price is close to the USD. FREE Coin's site does not provide any details about their development plan or what specific advantages their network will provide.

EOS is a blockchain development platform created by Block.one. Its goal is to become an all purpose operating system for blokchain applications. EOS allows developers to make underlying blockchains and create decentralized application more easily. It was designed from the ground up, to be more scalable and faster than other blockchain platforms. This allows for greater throughput, with more transactions per second, and much lower transaction fees. EOS tokens serve as the native currency. The network has a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS) consensus mechanism. Transactions are verified by 21 block producers that are chosen through a voting process that is designed to encourage community participation.



