Cashbery Coin

by Cashberry Coin

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by Burst

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by Digibyte

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Cashbery Coin

by Cashberry Coin

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by Burst

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by Digibyte

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What problem does this service solve?

Cashberry's goal is to create a faster and more efficient blockchain platform.Burst's unique Tangle-based architecture is designed to improve exchanges of value.DigiByte is focused on enabling faster and more secure blockchain transactions.

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Company Description

Cashbery Coin's blockchain platform has a focus on enabling high-speed transactions with low fees. Cashbery's consensus mechanism combines elements of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

BurstCoin is a cryptocurrency with a Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) consensus algorithm. Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, Burst's architecture uses a Tangle (similar to IOTA) instead of relying on a blockchain. It also utilizes ring signatures and other features, in what is called the Dymaxion. The Dymaxion implements layers of tangle-based lightning networks on top of the Burst blockchain. Each of these payment channels is opened in the form of a standalone colored tangle. Burst is also developing atomic cross-chain transactions (ACCT), that will allow for full decentralized trading between two cryptocurrencies.

DigiByte is a a blockchain platform that places an emphasis on security and block speed. DigiByte has one of the fastest block speeds of any public blockchain and uses an innovative consensus protocol with 5 mining algorithms. This prevents mining centralization and also minimizes the chances of security breaches. DigiByte transactions are limited in size and scope to increase speed, efficiency, and throughput.
DigiByte hopes that these innovations will provide the ideal blockchain infrastructure for a range of applications within the IoT and AI fields, that require a high degree of security and fast block speeds.



