Bitcoin Interest

by Bitcoin Interest

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by TrumpCoin

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by Viacoin

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Bitcoin Interest

by Bitcoin Interest

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by TrumpCoin

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by Viacoin

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What problem does this service solve?

Bitcoin Interest aims to reduce price volatility in cryptocurrency markets by paying BCI holders weekly and monthly interest.TrumpCoin wants to organize Trump supporters and enable them to contribute to his political goals through a digital currency.Viacoin's fast transaction times enable users to send micropayments for a variety of purposes.

Token Stats

Company Description

Bitcoin Interest is a fork of the Bitcoin protocol that pays coin holders interest. Bitcoin Interest (BCI) allows users to securely earn interest payments without ever moving coins from their wallets. Bitcoin Interest's developers believe that paying interest, weekly or monthly, on inactive crypto-funds can benefit the entire cryptocurrency market by reducing volatility.
Bitcoin Interest (BCI) is the first cryptocurrency protocol to use the ProgPoW consensus algorithm. ProgPoW is a Proof-of-Work algorithm designed to reduce the centralizing tendencies of ASIC mining by making it easier for standard GPU devices to participate in the mining process.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that was created to support Donald Trump. Their marketing materials do not provide specific details about what they hope to achieve, or why they need a blockchain-based digital currency. TrumpCoin has a hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

Viacoin is an open source cryptocurrency based on the Bitcoin protocol. Viacoin has a 24 second block time and relatively fast transaction times. It can handle 175 transactions per second without scaling through Segwit or the Lightning Network. The fast transaction times make Viacoin a good option for sending micropayments. The platform also enables users to perform cross-chain atomic swaps between different cryptocurrencies, without a centralized exchange. Viacoin has an Auxiliary Proof-of-Work (AuxPoW) consensus mechanism that allows miners to mine multiple coins, that use the Scrypt algorithms, at the same time. Viacoin's smart contract platform, Rootstock, is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts.



