Bitcoin Interest

by Bitcoin Interest

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by TrumpCoin

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Flash Coin

by Flash Coin

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Bitcoin Interest

by Bitcoin Interest

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by TrumpCoin

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Flash Coin

by Flash Coin

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What problem does this service solve?

Bitcoin Interest aims to reduce price volatility in cryptocurrency markets by paying BCI holders weekly and monthly interest.TrumpCoin wants to organize Trump supporters and enable them to contribute to his political goals through a digital currency.Flash Coin aims to create a decentralized currency that will be fast enough to enable everyday use.

Token Stats

Company Description

Bitcoin Interest is a fork of the Bitcoin protocol that pays coin holders interest. Bitcoin Interest (BCI) allows users to securely earn interest payments without ever moving coins from their wallets. Bitcoin Interest's developers believe that paying interest, weekly or monthly, on inactive crypto-funds can benefit the entire cryptocurrency market by reducing volatility.
Bitcoin Interest (BCI) is the first cryptocurrency protocol to use the ProgPoW consensus algorithm. ProgPoW is a Proof-of-Work algorithm designed to reduce the centralizing tendencies of ASIC mining by making it easier for standard GPU devices to participate in the mining process.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that was created to support Donald Trump. Their marketing materials do not provide specific details about what they hope to achieve, or why they need a blockchain-based digital currency. TrumpCoin has a hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

Flash Coin is a cryptocurrency designed to be used for everyday transactions. Flash's blokchain has a delegate-based consensus model that depends on elected delegates to verify transactions. These delegates elect 25 Miners who create new blocks on the blockchain. Each miner is given a specific time where they can mine a block. The Flash Coin algorithm also introduces a concept called Consensus Height, which refers to the moment when more than half of elected miners have created a block on top of another block in the chain.



