
by Bitcoiin

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by NavCoin

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by Divi Project

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by Bitcoiin

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by NavCoin

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by Divi Project

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What problem does this service solve?

Bitcoiins goal is to create a decentralized currency with faster transactions times and lower fees.NavaCoin aims to create a digital currency that will be private, cheap, eco-friendly, and fast.Divi's incentive system encourages network adoption and participation in its governance.

Token Stats

Company Description

Bitcoiin is a cryptocurrency that was created to address some of the issues that have plagued the original Bitcoin ecosystem. It's Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism is designed to decrease transactions times and fees, as well as make mining rewards easier to earn.

NavCoin is a community-driven digital currency built on an open-source,Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain. The project has an active development community, and places a strong emphasis on their user governance. NavCoin is developing a feature for its PoS consensus mechanism that will allow for cold staking. Users will be able to stake their coins while keeping them offline.

Divi is a Proof of Stake cryptocurrency with a masternode system designed to encourage network participation. The project is focused on facilitating adoption of cryptocurrencies by creating a system of incentives for both everyday users and those that help run the networks. Divi's masternode system has five layers of participation and awards users for staking their coins. Divi has an innovative lottery block system that randomly pays out lottery prizes in the form of new coins to network users.



