Beetle Coin

by Beetlecoin

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by Digix

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Beetle Coin

by Beetlecoin

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by Digix

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What problem does this service solve?

Beetlecoin's goal is to use blockchain to raise awareness for environmental issues.PRIZM is a Russian cryptocurrency project that uses a variation of PoS to drive network participation by users.Digix wants to create a digital token will less price volatility. By tokenizing gold on the Ethereum blockchain, they hope to create a digital asset with stable value.

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Company Description

Beetle Coin is a PoS cryptocurrency that places an emphasis on raising awareness and funds for environmental issues. The coin is traded and listed under the BEET symbol.

PRIZM is an open-source cryptocurrency based on the NEXT core. The PRIZM architecture is built in JAVA. It has a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism that varies slightly from other PoS algorithms. It is designed to be more resistant to attacks against the network. PRIZM has developed the concept of paramining, which helps the network achieve consensus and encourages community participation.

Digix is digital gold on the blockchain. By combining the historical stability of a valuable physical asset with the advantages of a distributed ledger, Digix allows users to benefit from the advantages of both commodities and digital tokens.
Digix has an innovative Proof of Asset (PoA) protocol that allows it it tokenize a physical asset. The PoA protocol tracks an asset through its chain of custody, and enables anyone to verify its existence without an intermediary. Since every DGX = 1 Gram of gold, their platform can be used as a secure and transparent digital marketplace for gold.
Digix is also behind DigixDAO, a platform that allows users to contribute to building a blockchain-based digital gold payment system. They hope to create a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that will participate in creating this platform. Instead of issuing shares, the organization will be run by DigixDAO token holders.



