Mercury Token

by Sigwo Technologies

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Polkadot Blockchain

by Web3 Foundation

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Kusama Coin

by Web 3 Foundation

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Mercury Token

by Sigwo Technologies

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Polkadot Blockchain

by Web3 Foundation

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Kusama Coin

by Web 3 Foundation

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What problem does this service solve?

The Mercury Token aims to allow users to create DApps on the Jupiter platform that can interact with the Waves blockchain.Polkadot aims to improve interoperability and overall performance for DApps running across multiple networks.Kusama allows developers to build and deploy test versions of cross-chain projects that will later be built on the Polkadot blockchain.

Token Stats

Company Description

Mercury Token is a Waves-based token that was created to facilitate cross-chain communication, and timestamping, between the Waves blockchain and the Jupiter blockchain.

The Polkadot blockchain is a multi-chain blockchain that is designed to bundle multiple chains together so that they can be executed in parallel. The goal is for every block on the Polkadot blockchain to contain multiple blocks from other chains. This will enable the network to contain the transaction information from multiple chains and dramatically increase the overall interoperability between different blockchain networks. Polkadot was created by the Web3 Foundation, which is led by Gavin Wood, one of the founders of Ethereum. Polkadot is their flagship project, and aims to solve the issues in the blockchain ecosystem related to disjointed governance and interoperability.

Kusama coin is the native coin of the Kusama blockchain, which is intended to serve as an unaudited and unrefined release of Polkadot. Kusama will serve as a trail version for Polkdadot, and will allow developers to build and deploy a parachain or try out Polkadot’s governance, staking, nomination and validation functionality in a real environment.



