Mercury Token

by Sigwo Technologies

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by IRIS Foundation Limited

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by Provable Things

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Mercury Token

by Sigwo Technologies

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by IRIS Foundation Limited

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by Provable Things

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What problem does this service solve?

The Mercury Token aims to allow users to create DApps on the Jupiter platform that can interact with the Waves blockchain.IRISnet's goal is to enable the development of decentralized business applications that work across different blockchain networks.pTokens aims to increase liquidity for cryptocurrencies, as well as cross-chain interoperability.

Token Stats

Company Description

Mercury Token is a Waves-based token that was created to facilitate cross-chain communication, and timestamping, between the Waves blockchain and the Jupiter blockchain.

IRISnet is a blockchain network that is built on top of Cosmos. It aims to enable the integration of off-chain computing, as well as greater inter-operability across blockchain networks. IRISnet uses the Tendermint protocol as a consensus mechanism.

pTokens are digital assets that are transparently pegged to another underlying asset. pTokens serve as a Cross-Chain token wrapper that allows users to more easily transfer value between different blockchains. Users can deposit a certain amount of the underlying asset (such as BTC or EOS) and request the equivalent pTokens that are pegged to them 1:1, such as pBTC or pEOS. Token holders can then take advantage of the Ethereum network by more easily exchanging them into ERC-20 tokens.



