What problem does this service solve?

Red Pulse Phoenix aims to create a decentralized distribution platform for content about Chinese financial topics.BitBounce wants to reduce spam email with a crypto-based screening process.

Token Stats

Company Description

Red Pulse is a Chinese research firm focusing on Chinese financial markets that provides financial insights to investors, analysts, and traders through their web portal, iOS app, and other distribution platforms. Red Pulse is currently developing the Phoenix platform, which is designed to be a decentralized research platform for Chinese financial markets. Phoenix will be powered by the NEO-based PHX token, and will create a decentralized marketplace for financial research, that will connect industry experts with institutions seeking market insights to make better informed decisions.

BitBounce is developing an email spam solution based on cryptocurrency. BitBounce's crypto-based email spam solution charges senders a fee to have their emails moved to the recipient's inbox. The network is powered by the CREDO token.


