NKN (New Kind of Network) is developing a blockchain-based framework for the internet. Their goal is to rebuild the internet in a way that will make it more decentralized and community driven. Their focus is on enabling greater application connectivity and improving consensus methods. The NKN network is powered by the NEO-based NKN token.
| Status is a mobile operating system, built for Ethereum, that is designed to be a gateway for everyday smartphone users to begin using decentralized applications. Statu.im's focus is on messaging and chatting. It combines a messenger and a browser, to build a portal for users to more easily interact with the blockchain ecosystem. By downloading Status, the user's mobile device becomes a light client node on the Ethereum Network, enabling them to access the entire Ethereum ecosystem. Users can then send encrytpted messages without central servers, store ethereum coins, and browse dAPPS in one place. The network is powered by the Status token (SNT).