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Company Details
- BitQuick
- Founded 2013
- Exchange
About BitQuick
is a service that connects buyers and sellers of bitcoin (and other digital currencies) in a quick, convenient and safe manner. We narrow both buying and selling bitcoin to 3 simple steps.
To sell bitcoins, create a listing, fund your escrow and confirm deposits as they arrive.
To buy bitcoins, place a hold, deposit cash and send your receipt to BitQuick.
After confirmation, the bitcoin are released to the buyer, less a 1-2% fee that is held by BitQuick. Selling is always free on BitQuick. In this manner, the guess work is taken out of trading bitcoin and a safe platform can finally be utilized by the quickly growing Bitcoin community.
BitQuick has a flexible platform that has already expanded operations to Europe, Taiwan and India and launched AltQuick, an alternate cryptocurrency exchange.