The process of intermittently decreasing the block reward given to cryptocurrency miners by 50%. Halving can have long-term effects on the price of BTC.
Hard Cap
The maximum amount of money a cryptocurrency’s founders will accept while raising money in exchange for early coins on their platform.
Hardware Wallet
A physical device that stores private keys for cryptocurrencies.
The encrypted value generated by a blockchain algorithm that does not resemble the original data related to the transaction it represents. Hashing is an essential part of confirming transactions on proof of work blockchains.
Hash Rate
The number of hashes per second the Bitcoin network is performing. Considered a general measure of the processing power of the network.
Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLC)
Hashed Timelock Contracts are used to create smart contracts that enable conditional payments They require that the receiver of a Crypto payment acknowledges the receipt before a deadline, by generating cryptographic proof of payment. If proof of receipt is not sent, they forfeit the ability to claim the payment, and it's returned to the sender.
A consensus mechanism and distributed ledger technology that is an alternative to a blockchain. The algorithm was created by Leemon Baird, CEO of Swirlds. A hashgraph does not require miners and uses directed acyclic graphs for time-sequencing transactions, without bundling them into blocks.
Hashing Power
The mining power that a device uses to run and solve hashing algorithms that generate new cryptocurrencies and validate transactions on a blockchain network. Similar in concept to a car's Horse Power.
A computer programming language used to develop some cryptocurrencies, such as Cardano.
Hot Wallet
A Crypto wallet that is connected to the internet and is used to send and receive coins/tokens. Hot wallets are considered less secure than cold wallets.
Hybrid Consensus
A consensus mechanism that combines elements of multiple other consensus protocols, such as Proof of Stake and Proof of Work algorithms.